Getting More Life From An Old Opener By Replacing A Broken Gear

So your old garage door opener has seen better days and the gear mechanism is looking worn. Don’t throw it out just yet – with a small repair you may be able to squeeze more life from that trusty machine. Replacing a broken gear is an affordable and relatively simple DIY project that could give your opener a new lease on life.

How to Identify a Broken Gear

The first sign that a gear may need replacing is odd noises coming from the opener motor housing. You’ll hear loud grinding or clicking that wasn’t there before. The door may also move slower than usual or stick intermittently. Open and close the door manually to check for increased resistance from the gear assembly. If the gear teeth look cracked, chipped or worn down almost flat, it’s definitely time for an upgrade.

Purchase a Replacement Gear

Take the old gear with you to a home improvement or auto parts store to get an exact replacement match. Check the brand and model number of your opener first to get the right fit. Generic plastic or metal gears in the $10-30 range will do the job for most units. Opt for one made of hardened material rated for harsh environments.

Remove the Old Gear

Power off the opener and unplug it before beginning work. Disassemble the external case or housing to access the gearbox and motor. The gear itself should be accessible after removing a few screws or clips. Gently pry or twist it off the motor shaft, being careful of any surrounding parts. Clean out old grease or debris from the area.

Install the New Gear

Place a small dab of lightweight grease on the motor shaft to lubricate it. Press or slide the replacement gear into position, aligning its hub with the end of the shaft. It may require light tapping to fully seat. Replace any bushings, washers or shims that were holding it in the correct alignment previously.

Reassemble the Housing

Put the external case back together in reverse order, taking care that all screws, clips and covers are secure. Reconnect the power supply and test the operation before sealing it up completely. With any luck, the new gear engages smoothly and quietly for dependable performance. If not, it may be wise to seek help from a certified Garage Door Repair Portsmouth expert to further diagnose issues.

DIY But Know Your Limits

While gear replacement poses minimal technical challenge, safety should remain top priority. Only undertake tasks you feel fully comfortable with. Complex mechanisms like torsion springs require caution and tools beyond a basic repair kit. Don’t hesitate to hire a pro if a job seems too risky or difficult. With some simple maintenance though, that old opener could have several more years of trusted use ahead.